
北京诗歌艺术创作 本周六北京诗歌工作坊招募轻松调频

北京诗歌艺术创作 本周六北京诗歌工作坊招募轻松调频(1)













招募人数 :15人

报名方式:北京诗歌艺术创作 本周六北京诗歌工作坊招募轻松调频(2)微信公众号“北京中间美术馆”或“轻松调频E北京诗歌艺术创作 本周六北京诗歌工作坊招募轻松调频(3)ZFM”《轻松调频有聊沙龙|与沈汀一起读诗》文章内留言,注明姓名及联系北京诗歌艺术创作 本周六北京诗歌工作坊招募轻松调频(4)电话,以官方回复为准。

E北京诗歌艺术创作 本周六北京诗歌工作坊招募轻松调频(5)ZFM Salon x Inside-Out Art Museum (I)

Poetry Workshop

A war of Our Very Own: Transcontinental Witnesses to the Chinese War

Poetry Reading in Chinese and English, close reading of W. H. Audens war sonnets and Bian Zhilins wartime poems

Moderated by: Shen Ting (Host of Radio E北京诗歌艺术创作 本周六北京诗歌工作坊招募轻松调频(6)ZFM), Xu Xiaofan (lecturer in English, Beijing Foreign Studies University)

Time:14:30-16:30, 2019.7.27

Venue: Conference Room, Beijing Inside-Out Art Museum

Number of participants: 15

For those who are interested in participating in this workshop, please call us at (010) 62北京诗歌艺术创作 本周六北京诗歌工作坊招募轻松调频(7)730230 or email us : info@ioam.org.cn

英国诗人W. H. 奥登和小说家衣修伍德在1938年来到中国战场,走过香港、广东、汉口、上海,以及黄河流域战区等地,将见闻和途中的诗歌创作写成《战地行纪》。

北京诗歌艺术创作 本周六北京诗歌工作坊招募轻松调频(8)

这部诗文集试图以旅行的方式对战争作出见证,它与奥威尔近距离观测西班牙内战的《向加泰罗尼亚致敬》等欧洲30年代的旅行文学类似,也与卞之琳等中国知识分子在晋东南前线的战地报告(如《第北京诗歌艺术创作 本周六北京诗歌工作坊招募轻松调频(9)七七二团在太行山一带》和后收于《十年诗草》的《慰劳信集》)有诸多时空与视角的相通之处。“观看”和“见证”位于这些左翼知识分子在战时创作的诗文作品的核心。正如衣修伍德所说,“我是镜头一直打开的相机,我被动地记录,并不思考”。但与此同时,奥登也时刻提醒衣修伍德,“中国的战争也正是我们的战争”。在他折叠的世界版图上,正忍受暴行的中国土地与欧洲此刻的现实重合了:“地图真切地指明|恶行发生的地点|南京。达豪[即巴伐利亚的达豪集中营]”。

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北京诗歌艺术创作 本周六北京诗歌工作坊招募轻松调频(11)

In 1938, British poet W. H. Auden and novelist Christopher Isherwood came to China during its anti-Japanese war. Their travel diary and poetry created based on their experience in Hong Kong, Guangdong, Hankou, Shanghai and the Yellow River area later went into the collection entitled Journey to a War (1939). Being of the popular genre of travel literature, this book also importantly bears witness to the Chinese war the way George Orwell watched the Spanish Civil War in his Homage to Catalonia (1938), and such practices—of political witnessing through travelling—became a pattern in the literary world in the west throughout the 1930s.

Not out of sheer coincidence, however, in the same year, Bian Zhilin—among other Chinese poets and intellectuals—travelled to the communist western China in Shaan北京诗歌艺术创作 本周六北京诗歌工作坊招募轻松调频(12)xi and Shan北京诗歌艺术创作 本周六北京诗歌工作坊招募轻松调频(13)xi. He documented through poetry the life at the anti-Japanese front, adopting a nonetheless utopian manner. The act of witnessing importantly yet differently underlies both Bian and Auden/Isherwood’s travel poems. Isherwood and Auden’s witnessing operates more from the outside, as Isherwood puts it, ‘I am a camera with its shutter open, quite passive, recording, not thinking’. Auden, in the meantime, reminds Isherwood of the symbolic significance of the Chinese war: China would be ‘a war all of our very own’. It is here where the spatial palimpsest of Chinese and western realities took place: ‘And maps can really point to places | where life is evil now. | Nanking. Dachau [the first concentration camp in Germany]’. Starting from Auden’s fruitful connection between the eastern and western spaces and history, this reading session sets out to compare Bian and Auden’s travel poetry created in China during 1938 and 1939, and seeks to work out how the act of witnessing can be empowering during the war time.

嘉宾主持简介 BIOS

北京诗歌艺术创作 本周六北京诗歌工作坊招募轻松调频(14)

沈汀,现任中国国际广播电台轻松调频《More To Read》节目主持,此前曾担任新闻主播和编辑记者等多项工作。2007年荣获中国播音主持“金话筒奖”广播播音作品奖。出品有声读物《安徒生童话选集》。

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Xu Xiaofan, lecturer at school of English and International Studies, Beijing Foreign Studies University, English literature PhD, University of Nottingham.

联合主办机构简介 BIO

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CRI E北京诗歌艺术创作 本周六北京诗歌工作坊招募轻松调频(17)ZFM轻松调频是中国国际广播电台三套对内广播频率之一,自北京诗歌艺术创作 本周六北京诗歌工作坊招募轻松调频(18)1986年开播以来,用中英双语每天24小时播出国内外新闻资讯、丰富多元的欧美及华语音乐精品、以及生动活泼的跨文化交流和学知栏目。

China Radio International , (CRI) is the only overseas broadcaster in the Peoples Republic of China. EZ FM is part of the domestic service of CRI English Broadcast. Live and interactive, EZ FM is representative of the phenomenal bilingual lifestyle in Beijing and other network cities such as Chongqing and Lhasa.

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